Monday, August 16, 2010

The MAGIC of clothing

Hello my dear readers! I'm coming to you from Las Vegas, Nevada at the MAGIC trade show. Now, I've had to explain this at least 12,000 times so I will explain now for all of you. The MAGIC convention is not a place where the next Harry Houdini and David Copperfield flock to learn how to do magic, it is a fashion trade show where buyers and vendors can meet in one place and buy, trade, and sell their wares. There's also seminars and classes that you can attend when you are registered for the trade show.

Well, today I got to sit in and hear the fall/winter forecasts for 2011 and 2012. That's right folks, I will let you in on the secret! I"m going to tell you what you will see in 6-12 months from now....ready?...are you sure?....ok, here it goes...remember about 10 years ago when you were wearing velvet dresses, with your Mary Jane's? Remember the ugly christmas sweaters that your mom always gave you with the big reindeer dancing across the front? Remember fur shorts? Ok that last one never happened, but that ladies and gentlemen is exactly what you are going to be seeing on the racks of your favorite retail stores shortly....your entire childhood is going to come back and haunt you once again. Wasn't the first time bad enough???

There are a few trends coming around that I can get on board with. Coming back into play is the boarding school, preppy, geek chic look! Since I am a big fan of appearing on the outside to how you feel on the inside, I'm a big supporter of this look. Finally my geeky bottle-coke glasses will be back in style. Let me just put my knee socks on now and save myself the wait.

Well dear readers, here you are! An exclusive look at trends soon to come. The best part about fashion is you take what they give you and you put your own spin on it. No one can make you conform to fashion trends. No one can force you to wear something that you don't like (unless you wear a uniform to work then I pity you beyond belief...yes hot dog on a stick, I'm looking at you). The greatest part about fashion is creating a work of art, everyday, and you're the canvas. You get to express how you feel, think, and believe with the clothes you put on your back. You get to warn the world of your emotional day you're having before they even talk to you. And, you get to present your values, your views, and the way you feel about yourself to the world with one, quick, fleeting glance. YOU are a walking billboard. Enjoy it! Embrace it! But, most of all, don't abuse it. Learn to take yourself seriously by putting some dignity back into your clothing. Take pride in your beautiful body by treating it nicely, that includes dressing appropriately. And always, always, always remember...

Be Your Own Beautiful!



  1. Excellent post Liz! I've seen more than my fair share of fashion nightmares come back into play the last few years. If the fashions that you mentioned are coming back, too, I may just have to go into hiding until this trend has passed. Ugh!

  2. oh dear, heaven help us. I remember that time. Hopefully it will look more up to date then early 90's. :0)

  3. I'm so happy that you have a blog! Now I can read and keep up with what you are doing my dear cousin! I'm excited about your store - keep us updated!
