I've recently been deemed a shut-in, in my lovely apartment. I had to withdraw from this semester, quit my job (with them enthusiastically holding my spot awaiting for my return), and I had to go to the Clinic...a lot. With all that has been going on, my mind is whirling with the different language that is spoken within the medical profession. And so I bring to you my whirlwind of 3 months entitled: Alphabet Soup.
July: I was taken to the ER due to an anxiety attack that made it quite difficult to breath. They hooked me up to oxygen, gave me Ativan, and gave me an EKG.
August: My left arm, face, and chest went numb. I was taken to the Instacare, but after hearing my symptoms they sent me to the ER (once again). They checked my heart, gave me a CT Scan, found nothing, and sent me home.
September: The numbness and pain were intensifying, but I had to work that night so I went to the Instacare for some pain killers and went to work. Two hours into work, a co-worker found me curled up on the bathroom floor and I was sent home. Within the last couple of weeks I've had 3 MRI's done, countless doctors visits, no answers, and too many days spent at home.
The Physical Medicine doctor hasn't found anything and in October, I go see a Neurologist for an EMG. I have been on 6 different medications within 2 weeks of each other. And I have to do something normal (though painful) everyday or else I find I go crazy! I have "Lizzified" my entire apartment by crafting the crap outta everything! Hopefully, they'll find something in my EMG on Monday because I would surely love to get back to work.
I'm learning how to be dependent on everyone (something I am not used to and quite honestly am having a hard time with it). My roommate is fantastic! She has helped me so much lately. Last night she was a pro, when I woke up to blinding pain and she was so good at keeping me calm and making me feel better...emotionally. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be learning through all of this, but I'm keeping my chin up (most days) and I'm doing my best to stay positive and focused. I certainly hope that whatever lesson He intends for me to learn, is learned very, very quickly. If not, my entire apartment might just become be-dazzeled very soon!
That is crazy! Hope you feel better soon!