Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday...A dismal day for fashion! Men's edition.

Today was every retailers greatest day and worst nightmare. Women become crazy demons, impolite predators, and pushy sale-hungry lionesses. However, surprisingly enough, todays award for the most fashion blunders and faux pas' was given, hands down, to the men!! I don't care how comfortable you're trying to be, it is never ok to wear sweats or pajamas out in public!!! If it were up to me every man would look like he stepped out of a Banana Republic and J. Crew catalog. I do realize that every man has their own unique style, just like every woman has theirs, I just wish sometimes they would leave that style at home!

Sweat it out

No. No. No. No. No. Sigh. I really hate sweats in public. Whatever happened to jeans? Or Khakis? Dockers anyone??? Bueller?

When it floods?

I dig the fire engine red floods with the loafers. Who says you can't mix business with casual? 1)Stacy London 2)Clinton Kelly 3)Tim Gunn 4) Michael Kors 5) Calvin Klein 6)Me 7).....

P to the J's
These are Smurf PJ's. No Comment.

And the winner is...

Low Rida!

This guys pants were so low (how low were they?) they were so low that penguins in Antarctica felt like they were being mocked. Really dude? I thought this fad ended in 1994.

Enjoy my Black Friday blunders.

Be Your Own Beautiful (tastefully!)


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